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2024 Winter 1st Drop

당신은 어떤 순간에 편안함을 느끼시나요? 신나거나, 피곤하거나, 화가 나는 감정은 직접적으로 느껴지기 쉽지만 편안하다는 감정은 쉽게 자각하지 못하기도 합니다. 하지만 꽤 많은 순간들에서 우리는 편안함을 느낄 수 있습니다. FORSEN의 23 WINTER DROP 제품들과 함께 자신만의 편안함의 감각을 만끽해보세요.


Find the balance of your body. Our bodies have been out of balance through busy, unhealthy life. Through activities to find balance in the body, we can feel comfortable.


Don’t feel guilty about taking a break. Proper rest in a busy life provides comfort to the body and mind. And also it increases efficiency.


Try to create a physically and mentally healthy state. Regular exercise and healthy lifestyles are the driving force to feel comfortable in your life.


While we live in the city, we are involved in a lot of relationships. It could cause a lot of stresses, but healthy interpersonal relationships could also make you feel comfortable.